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标题: I am in here waitting for u [打印本页]

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/26 14:44
标题: I am in here waitting for u
There is such a long time that i havent written in English to express about my inside world.

Maybe because i dont want all the person can understand me or others question .

I ask myself for so many times to find the answer for me ,But the sad is that i still standing in a lose .

These days i usually fell upset and nervous about my future .It is really a problem for me .

As the time goes by, my family really trouble me a lot .Any way ,no matter how urgently that rush me, i always in my way with firmly spirit . No one can push me into a mess .

There is only one thing i belive that is fate .I sincerely belive that one day my dream will be come true .But when it will comes ? It is belong to the time .I will always ready in active attitude towards my life .

Hey , that man? Where are you now ?Are you just looking for me ?Never mind, i am just standing here waitting for you .
作者: zyx-603    时间: 2012/9/26 14:56
so many mistakes.
作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/26 15:00
作者: ︷清扬︷    时间: 2012/9/26 15:03
so many mistakes.
zyx-603 发表于 2012/9/26 14:56

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/26 15:32
There is such a long time that i havent written in English to express about my inside world.

Mayb ...
小悠 发表于 2012/9/26 14:44

     i am sorry,please find it out ,thank you~
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/26 15:35
so many mistakes.
zyx-603 发表于 2012/9/26 14:56

    i am sorry, can you please find it out ? thank u with sincerely~
   Maybe some words only i can understand, because i am use in chinese- English  sometimes~嘻嘻,见谅!
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/26 15:37
斋公 发表于 2012/9/26 15:00

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/26 15:38
︷清扬︷ 发表于 2012/9/26 15:03

作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/26 15:54
i have been here waiting for you for  a long time ,but i was so hated English,so i hate you .
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/26 16:07
i have been here waiting for you for  a long time ,but i was so hated English,so i hate you .
斋公 发表于 2012/9/26 15:54

    haha~ anyway.but i do not hate you.
作者: 红尘滚滚    时间: 2012/9/26 16:45
作者: 红尘滚滚    时间: 2012/9/26 16:45
作者: wsladan    时间: 2012/9/26 17:05
Hey , that man? Where are you now ?Are you just looking for me ?Never mind, i am just standing here waitting for you .
作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/26 17:17
no picture no truth no talk
作者: swimlv    时间: 2012/9/26 18:20
如果系从控哥既话F(衣服  U  忘兔  翻  哦  BF,普利司   U  HAKA  链轨 , 颖费 U    英国历史  索  威里   性个,)GOOD  LUCK  TO YOU
作者: swimlv    时间: 2012/9/26 18:26
i have been here waiting for you for  a long time ,but i was so hated English,so i hate you .
斋公 发表于 2012/9/26 15:54

作者: 和平鸽    时间: 2012/9/26 19:24
Ha ha, are you beautiful?
作者: haisen    时间: 2012/9/26 23:41
just enjoy your writing
作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/27 08:59
s the time goes by, my family really trouble me a lot .Any way ,no matter how urgently that rush me, i always in my way with firmly spirit . No one can push me into a mess .
so am i       很不错的女孩子,不介意的话请加(1255790180)
作者: xnlwj123    时间: 2012/9/27 11:08
作者: 蝙蝠侠    时间: 2012/9/28 09:10
标题就错了,HERE 是副词,前面不用加介词IN的
作者: 清风嘉客    时间: 2012/9/28 10:06
You write this out of what is the use? Let us praise you level high or artificial? Even if you are full of wit, and please low-key life, here is not to show off, but you can flirt, ha ha!
作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/9/28 11:05
Even though my English have yet to be inproved. but to the essay, I still found some chinglish.  
"...the sad is that ..."should be "the sad thing it that...", because the "sad" is adjective.   
likewise "There is only one thing i belive that is fate", should be "There is only one thing that i belive is fate"

I wish God bless your Mr Right is waiting for you on the way not far from you.
作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/9/28 11:16
作者: 陇西堂a8    时间: 2012/9/28 15:49
作者: 花姐    时间: 2012/9/28 16:17
s the time goes by, my family really trouble me a lot .Any way ,no matter how urgently that rush me, ...
斋公 发表于 2012/9/27 08:59

    v她不介意,我介意  哈哈……
作者: jiaxiangxingnin    时间: 2012/9/28 16:26
Not bad. Though there are a few mistakes, it cans till  be understood by others. Anyway, you have made a chance  for others to practise English.
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:33
Hey , that man? Where are you now ?Are you just looking for me ?Never mind, i am just standing here  ...
wsladan 发表于 2012/9/26 17:05

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:35
Even though my English have yet to be inproved. but to the essay, I still found some chinglish.  
" ...
共下行 发表于 2012/9/28 11:05

    Thanks, i have got it .xixi~
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:36
标题就错了,HERE 是副词,前面不用加介词IN的
蝙蝠侠 发表于 2012/9/28 09:10

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:37
Not bad. Though there are a few mistakes, it cans till  be understood by others. Anyway, you have ma ...
jiaxiangxingnin 发表于 2012/9/28 16:26

    Thank you so much~!!!!
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:49
共下行 发表于 2012/9/28 11:16

作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/28 16:49
v她不介意,我介意  哈哈……
花姐 发表于 2012/9/28 16:17

    so what?
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:51

     so what?
斋公 发表于 2012/9/28 16:49

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:52
Even though my English have yet to be inproved. but to the essay, I still found some chinglish.  
" ...
共下行 发表于 2012/9/28 11:05

    thank u thank u!
作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/9/28 16:53
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:55
You write this out of what is the use? Let us praise you level high or artificial? Even if you are f ...
清风嘉客 发表于 2012/9/28 10:06

    show off? you r so funny~
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:56
xnlwj123 发表于 2012/9/27 11:08

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:57
共下行 发表于 2012/9/28 16:53

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:58
Ha ha, are you beautiful?
和平鸽 发表于 2012/9/26 19:24

作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/28 16:59
小悠 发表于 2012/9/28 16:58

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 16:59
swimlv 发表于 2012/9/26 18:26

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 17:03
陇西堂a8 发表于 2012/9/28 15:49

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 17:04
斋公 发表于 2012/9/28 16:59

作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/9/28 17:09
斋公 发表于 2012/9/28 16:59

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/28 17:22
共下行 发表于 2012/9/28 17:09

作者: 花姐    时间: 2012/9/28 17:25

     so what?
斋公 发表于 2012/9/28 16:49

作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/9/28 17:47
花姐 发表于 2012/9/28 17:25

    看到你说SHIT, 我想到另外一个F开头的
作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/28 20:30
看到你说SHIT, 我想到另外一个F开头的
共下行 发表于 2012/9/28 17:47

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/29 09:29
斋公 发表于 2012/9/28 20:30

作者: 和平鸽    时间: 2012/9/29 12:55
斋公 发表于 2012/9/28 16:59

作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/9/29 14:01
和平鸽 发表于 2012/9/29 12:55

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/29 15:11
和平鸽 发表于 2012/9/29 12:55

作者: 斋公    时间: 2012/9/29 15:31
和平鸽 发表于 2012/9/29 12:55

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/9/29 15:50
共下行 发表于 2012/9/29 14:01

作者: 饮水思源    时间: 2012/10/2 11:05
作者: swimlv    时间: 2012/10/2 15:12
小悠 发表于 2012/9/29 15:11

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/4 09:06
楼主的帖子我看不懂,但我很佩服加欣赏会英语的人,楼主愿意跟我做个朋友吗?最好就教教我英语,其实我的英 ...
饮水思源 发表于 2012/10/2 11:05

    why not? If we have free time~
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/4 09:07
swimlv 发表于 2012/10/2 15:12

作者: Mr.zero    时间: 2012/10/9 20:33
LZ is a lady ????????????
作者: Mr.zero    时间: 2012/10/9 20:33
LZ is a lady ????????????
作者: Mr.zero    时间: 2012/10/9 20:33
LZ is a lady ????????????
作者: Mr.zero    时间: 2012/10/9 20:34
LZ is a lady ????????????
作者: yyt2208    时间: 2012/10/10 14:45

Maybe because i dont want all the person can understand me or others question .
don't 这样才对吧

i dont want all the person can understand me or others question .
i dont want all the person who can understand me

others question
应该改成 other questions吧  
作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/10/11 11:14

Maybe because i dont want all the person can understand me or ot ...
yyt2208 发表于 2012/10/10 14:45

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/12 08:31

Maybe because i dont want all the person can understand me or ot ...
yyt2208 发表于 2012/10/10 14:45

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/12 08:32
共下行 发表于 2012/10/11 11:14

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/12 08:36
LZ is a lady ????????????
Mr.zero 发表于 2012/10/9 20:34

    yes, so?
作者: 杨诚    时间: 2012/10/12 15:01
I understand you,because I facing the same problem,can  i contact you?my QQ number:383721599
作者: 和平鸽    时间: 2012/10/12 22:50
小悠 发表于 2012/9/29 15:11


Ha ha ,in the network do not talk about love!

作者: hlxy    时间: 2012/10/13 00:03
im so happy finding someone using english. good job.
i have to say your English is not bad,keep learning,dont give up.
u dont need to focus on the mistakes, even americans make mistakes everyday when they speak english.  if you want to improve your english more, i strongly recommend US TV series,such as <friends> <modern family> etc,or u can watch all the great english movies. u could easily find them in the internet, such as youku.com

if u have a dream, you've got to protect it! Ask yourself want you really want, and that is the only thing that matters. Good Luck!
作者: 共下行    时间: 2012/10/13 11:01
im so happy finding someone using english. good job.
i have to say your English is not bad,keep lea ...
hlxy 发表于 2012/10/13 00:03

The last sentence you said seems to be from the film of "The pursuit of happiness".
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/13 11:39
Ha ha ,in the network do not talk about love!
和平鸽 发表于 2012/10/12 22:50

    aha~ maybe u r right~but just maybe...
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/13 11:40
The last sentence you said seems to be from the film of "The pursuit of happiness".
共下行 发表于 2012/10/13 11:01

    really? If i have free time ,i would like to have look it again!
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/13 11:44
im so happy finding someone using english. good job.
i have to say your English is not bad,keep lea ...
hlxy 发表于 2012/10/13 00:03

    Thanks so much for your kindly reply and suggestion .I agree with your oppion completely!
作者: 和平鸽    时间: 2012/10/13 12:23
im so happy finding someone using english. good job.
i have to say your English is not bad,keep lea ...
hlxy 发表于 2012/10/13 00:03

    Good idea.
作者: jianeary    时间: 2012/10/14 19:34
十年前就发疯地学Waiting For A Girl Like You 这首歌,唱这首歌。虽然英文一直很差,但这歌表达的意境和旋律却如此美妙、如此真切、深入人心。呼唤着一种怀旧的味道,一种失去后才痛心的味道,一种得不到才是最好的味道,一种自我感觉良好将爱无处安放的味道,总之一种淡淡的孤高自怜无法触及的最美的梦境。
So long, I've been looking too hard,
I've been waiting too longSometimes I don't know what I will find,
I only know it's a matter of timeWhen you love someone,
when you love someoneIt feels so right, so warm and true, I need to know if you feel it too
Maybe I'm wrong, won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strongThis heart of mine has been hurt before, this time I wanna be sure
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my lifeI've been waiting for a girl like you, your loving will surviveI've been waiting for someone new to make me feel aliveYeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
You're so good, when we make love it's understoodIt's more than a touch or a word can sayonly in dreams could it be this wayWhen you love someone, yeah, really love someone
Now I know it's right, from the moment I wake up till deep in the nightThere's nowhere on earth that I'd rather be than holding you tenderly
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my lifeI've been waiting for a girl like you, your loving will surviveI've been waiting for someone new to make me feel aliveYeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting, waiting for you,ooh, I've been waiting(I've been waiting for a girl like you, I've been waiting)Won't you come into my life?
作者: 420398567    时间: 2012/10/14 23:18
先把标题里面的 in 去掉吧
作者: t3t3    时间: 2012/10/14 23:39
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/15 08:27
t3t3 发表于 2012/10/14 23:39

作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/10/15 08:29
先把标题里面的 in 去掉吧
420398567 发表于 2012/10/14 23:18

作者: haigor    时间: 2012/10/16 17:36
Yes,i do!
作者: 曾大海    时间: 2012/10/16 17:40
其实,真正跟鬼佬讲话,根本没那么多所谓的语法可讲。比如楼主这样讲,美国佬完全懂什么意思。只是人家觉得这样讲太郑重了,搞得好象痴情女似的。其实面对面一句“waiting for you”就可以了。再简单明了就可以“for you”就可以了。当然同时楼主同时面目传情,目送秋波就表达了那意思了。本人跟鬼佬沟通,发现美国佬来中国过四级,六级估计没几个及格。
作者: 曾大海    时间: 2012/10/16 17:45
作者: 和平鸽    时间: 2012/10/16 22:20
本人是英语文盲。要我跟美国佬讲英语,完全没心理压力。要我写出来,就抓狂了。英语方面本人典型的文盲。会 ...
曾大海 发表于 2012/10/16 17:45

作者: t3t3    时间: 2012/10/16 23:41
小悠 发表于 2012/10/15 08:27

作者: 曾大海    时间: 2012/10/17 08:42
作者: 仙人草    时间: 2012/11/4 23:17
作者: 仙人草    时间: 2012/11/4 23:18
作者: 舞大郎    时间: 2012/11/5 20:17
市场最能够说明问题,为什么国人都争着学番鬼文,你懂滴,为什么番鬼佬不喜欢学国文,你懂滴,支持你,小悠... ...Do what you love to do
作者: 小悠    时间: 2012/11/13 15:39
市场最能够说明问题,为什么国人都争着学番鬼文,你懂滴,为什么番鬼佬不喜欢学国文,你懂滴,支持你,小悠 ...
舞大郎 发表于 2012/11/5 20:17

作者: lgx0753    时间: 2012/11/23 13:26
I am in here waitting for u。。。。here/there 前不用in/at...等——
I am here waitting for u

There is such a long time that i havent written in English to express about my inside world.

Maybe because i dont want all the person can understand me or others question .

I ask myself for so many times to find the answer for me ,But the sad is that i still standing in a lose .

These days i usually fell upset and nervous about my future .It is really a problem for me .

As the time goes by, my family really trouble me a lot .Any way ,no matter how urgently that rush me, i always in my way with firmly spirit . No one can push me into a mess .

There is only one thing i belive that is fate .I sincerely belive that one day my dream will be come true .But when it will comes ? It is belong to the time .I will always ready in active attitude towards my life .

Hey , that man? Where are you now ?Are you just looking for me ?Never mind, i am just standing here waitting for you .
作者: lgx0753    时间: 2012/11/23 13:29
i am sorry, can you please find it out ? thank u with sincerely~
   Maybe some words only ...
小悠 发表于 2012/9/26 15:35

    be doing sth 现在进行时
作者: lgx0753    时间: 2012/11/23 13:33
作者: 牧羊人    时间: 2012/11/26 15:36
There is such a long time that i havent written in English to express about my inside world.
Maybe because i dont want all the person can understand me or others question (other questions).

I ask myself for so many times to find the answer for( for在此搭配Find。。搭配answer的话用to觉得合适, 还有做Vi时answer for对。。负责) me ,But the sad is that i still standing in a lose .

These days i usually fell upset and nervous about my future .It is really a problem for(是否to会好些?) me .

As the time goes by, my family really trouble me a lot .Any way ,no matter how urgently that rush me, i am (谓词不能少哈) always in my way with firmly spirit . No one can push me into a mess .
There is only one thing i belive that is fate .I sincerely belive that one day my dream will be come true (be 觉得去掉好) .But when it will comess觉得去掉好) ? It is belong to the time .I will always ready in active attitude towards my life .

Hey , that man? Where are you now ?Are you just looking for me ?Never mind, i am just standing here waitting for you .


in here  带in貌似还是有人用哦,强调在里面。“在论坛里边等你”,说的过去

作者: 含笑半步颠    时间: 2012/12/6 11:41
作者: Chelsea/Ms    时间: 2012/12/18 17:36
Just gonna stand there,you will be caught by your Mr.right.

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